TribuJack 100 w/LJ100 Longjack & ZMA 120vcap
Helps to maintain proper muscle function,Tribulus is traditionally used in Ayurveda as Vrysa (aphrodisiac) for men,Helps to maintain immune function,Vegetarian / Vegan,With LJ100 Longjack & ZMA,NOWö TribuJack 100TM contains a potent standardized extract of Eurycoma longifolia, commonly known as LJ100TM. It contains bioactive Eurypeptides, the active constituents of Tongkat Ali. Clinical and non-clinical studies have shown that Tongkat Ali extracts support male reproductive function and healthy testosterone levels. Tribulus has been included for its virility supporting effects, as shown in scientific studies. TribuJack 100TM also contains ZMAö, a synergistic mix of zinc & magnesium, to support healthy immune, reproductive and neuromuscular function. This unique combination provides enhanced energy and male support, without the anxiety & insomnia that may accompany similar Vitamins & Minerals Family Health.,NPN 80048667