New Nordic Active Legs Strong 30's
New Nordic's Active Legs Strong helps relieve symptoms related to non-complicated chronic venous insufficiency in the legs (CVI).
The sensation of heavy, tired and tingly legs can come from an improper venous blood flow in our legs. Sometimes this can happen during long-term inactivity (sitting, standing), but also in conditions such as chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) where the veins that circulate blood back to the heart are not working effectively. This malfunction can result from weak veins and /or damaged valves in the veins, which can cause blood to collect and pool in these blood vessels, increase blood pressure in the legs and put further strain on these vessels. Veins respond to the increased blood volume by stretching, enlarging (visible as varicose veins) and micro-tearing. This in turn causes local tissue inflammation and vessels to become more permeable to drain water into the leg tissue, causing heavy, painful, red, tired and swollen legs.
Numerous studies found that pine bark and grape seed extract help reduce symptoms of non-complicated CVI. Active Legs Strong combines these 2 plant extracts, rich in polyphenolic proanthocyanidin and anthocyanidin, at the studied amounts to help relieve these CVI associated feelings of swollen, heavy and painful legs.
*Helps to relieve symptoms related to non-complicated chronic venous insufficiency (CVI), such as sensation of swelling, heaviness a and tingling of the legs